“I have heard great things about Membean and I am excited to get my students logged in and started on their journey through the program. My goal is to increase student writing, therefore using Membean to increase their vocabulary. I am looking forward to seeing student’s progress throughout the year and seeing if their scores increase due to this program.”
―Tiffany Gaines, Haltom High School teacher #BISDShines #BISDBlended
“My students have really been great this week and doing amazing with their tabloid projects. My fifth-period students especially have taken this assignment to new levels and gone outside their comfort zone. We have students creating news broadcasts, radio interviews, posters and typing their articles on Google Docs.”
―Lisa Sandoval, Haltom High School teacher #BISDShines #BISDBlended
“My dad always taught me to look for the positive and make work fun. So for each person who has started the Blended Learning process let me give you this quote. ‘Let go of your disappointments, mistakes, and failures. May you find complete healing, renewed spiritual strength and courage to begin again.’ ”
―Denise Jones, Richland High School teacher #BISDShines #BISDBlended