Summer School Staff Applications Accepted Through Friday, April 23 at 4 p.m.
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Monthly Archives: March 2021
Campus eTransfer Applications
Employees interested in applying for a campus transfer may access the eTransfer application (Internal/Transfer Application) from the Birdville website beginning March 22. Please note: The eTransfer postings are generic and not an indication there is a definite opening at each campus. As openings occur, principals will review eTransfer requests and contact staff they wish to consider. Postings will remain listed on the Job Board through June 4, 2021.
Summer Enrichment Staff Needed

Employees interested in applying to be an instructor for one of the summer enrichment opportunities can learn more and apply at Applications are due by Friday, March 26.
[IMPORTANT] BISD Partners with Texas Health Resources to Provide Vaccines
Birdville ISD is collaborating with Texas Health Resources (THR) to provide COVID-19 vaccines for all interested District employees. (This is NOT for family members of employees.) The vaccine is FREE of charge and will be administered at various Texas Health Community Clinics.
If you would like to receive the vaccine, please complete the form below to register no later than 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 11. This opportunity is ONLY for the FIRST* dose. You will be given instructions on scheduling your second dose at your first dose appointment. If you miss the March 11 deadline, additional opportunities will be available after spring break.
Link to Form –
A few days after you have registered with the District, you will receive an email from Texas Health Resources
( with a Personal Access Code. You will need this code to schedule a vaccine appointment. Once you are registered, THR will facilitate everything with you.
You will be allowed to schedule your appointment at a location and time convenient to you. This opportunity is intended only for you and cannot be forwarded or transferred to others. Therefore, only those who have received an email and a personal access code can get the first dose.
Texas Health is administering the Pfizer vaccine. You can find additional information at or view Pfizer Fact Sheets in (English) or (Spanish). Please Note: These are links for more information only, NOT to sign up for the vaccine. Individuals who sign up for the vaccine will receive an email from Texas Health with their unique access code and scheduling instructions.
You have all continued to serve our children and our community since this crisis began, and BISD is grateful that we’ve been able to partner with Texas Health Resources to offer this opportunity.
* This is ONLY for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. If you have already received a first dose, we advise you to please return to that provider to receive your second dose.
2021–22 Days of Duty Calendars are Available
The 2021–22 Days of Duty Calendars are available on the Human Resources web page under For Staff, Forms/Helpful Information page. View the 21–22 Days of Duty Calendars
While employees have the right to Freedom of Speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the working environment is not the appropriate place for promotion or discussion of employee political views. Board Policy DGA (Local) provides that an employee’s participation in community, political, or employee organization activities shall be entirely voluntary and shall not:
- Interfere with the employee’s performance of assigned duties and responsibilities;
- Result in any political or social pressure being placed on students, parents, or staff; or
- Involve trading on the employee’s position or title within the District.
In addition to the restrictions set out in DGA (Local), employees should refrain from engaging in any of the following activities during duty time:
- Soliciting votes, contributions, or support for or against a particular candidate or ballot measure;
- Discussing personal opinions with students regarding a political candidate or ballot proposition, unless the topic is directly related to the approved curriculum;
- Preparing, displaying, wearing or distributing campaign literature, clothing, materials, or signs for or against a candidate or ballot measure (this prohibition does not apply to bumper stickers on personal vehicles provided that the style and content of the bumper sticker is not obscene, profane, disruptive, or otherwise in violation of District rules);
- Soliciting volunteers to assist with a campaign for or against a political candidate or ballot measure;
- Preparing for, organizing, or participating in a political meeting, petition, rally, or event;
- Political speech or expression of personal opinions on social media during work hours;
- Using any District resources for political or campaign activities, including but not limited to, District facilities, property, funds, supplies, fax machines, copiers, computers, employee mailboxes, or email accounts.
While off duty (including duty–free lunch and break times), employees may express their opinions and may engage in political activity but should do so in a way that does not cause disruption to the work environment or impede the operations of the District. Off duty employees are also free to engage in political speech on social media in support of or opposition to a specific candidate or proposal.
2020–21 Calendar Update: Professional Learning Winter Weather Makeup Day
The Professional Learning (PL) Day originally scheduled for Monday, Feb. 15 has been moved to Friday, April 2 (Good Friday), which was previously designated as an Inclement Weather Makeup Day on the District’s approved instructional calendar. Students will be off on April 2, but campus instructional personnel will participate in professional learning as designated by the Teaching and Learning Department. Specific information regarding PL assignments that day will be sent out later.
Summer Enrichment Staff Needed

Employees interested in applying to be an instructor for one of the summer enrichment opportunities can learn more and apply at Applications are due by Friday, March 26.