#EMPOWERED18: Prepare to Innovate

Empowered18 Conference

Join other educators who want to make a difference by transforming the learning that goes on in their schools, classrooms, and beyond. Get ideas to design engaging, personalized, and connected learning experiences and environments. Learn how to create and leverage strategic, active partnerships with experts, family, and community members.

Fuse best and next innovative practices by harnessing the potential of technology and become empowered with knowledge and resources to innovate and transform teaching and learning when you return to school on Monday.

Fall Innovative Learning Conference
Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning
Saturday September 29, 2018
8 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.

> Click to view the Empowered18 website for more information



#EmpowerEd18 Fall Innovative Learning Conference

Empowered Conference

Join other educators who want to make a difference by transforming the learning that goes on in their schools, classrooms, and beyond. Get ideas to design engaging, personalized, and connected learning experiences and environments. Learn how to create and leverage strategic, active partnerships with experts, family, and community members.

Learn more about the #EmpowerEd18 website (opens in a new window)

Saturday, Sept. 29   l   Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning  l   8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Trustees call for Nov. 6 bond election

Bond18 Logo

On Aug. 16, Birdville ISD’s Board of Trustees unanimously called for a bond election to be held as part of the general election on Nov. 6. BISD voters are being asked to consider a $252.8 million bond package that was developed with extensive community input by a diverse group of citizens from all parts of the District. The package approved by the Board addresses: safety and security upgrades at every campus; replacing five campuses with four (Haltom Middle School, Richland Middle School, Smithfield Elementary School and Major Cheney Elementary/Richland Elementary [Partner School]); renovations at Smithfield Middle School and Haltom High School; critical repair/renovation needs requiring action in the next three years; and technology upgrades Districtwide. This plan impacts every student, staff member, facility and community served by BISD.

The proposed bond package:

  • Eliminates more than 50 portable classrooms across the District;
  • Provides additional safety and security measures throughout the District;
  • Funds technology upgrades to address instructional needs;
  • Moves from a 5:1 student-to-technology ratio to a 2:1 student-to-technology ratio;
  • Addresses priority repair/renovation needs (requiring action in the next one to three years), roofs and HVAC;
  • Replaces five existing facilities that are more than 60 years old with four new facilities that require less money to operate and maintain. They are: Haltom Middle School, Richland Middle School, Smithfield Elementary School and Major Cheney Elementary/Richland Elementary [Partner School].
  • Will be monitored by a Board-appointed citizen’s bond oversight committee to monitor the scope, timeline and expenditure of bond funds.

Projected Tax Rate Impact: $0

If BISD voters approve this bond package, School property tax rates will not increase as a result of this bond proposal.

Early voting is Oct. 22 – Nov. 2, and Election Day is Nov. 6.

For specific information on the 2018 bond package, visit www.bisdbond18.net.

Bold Journey: Framing Literacy

Bold Journey Framing Literacy logo

Bold Journey: Framing Literacy

Administrative Leadership Conference

Birdville ISD

June 67, 2018


Birdville ISD held an Administrative Leadership Conference that included every campus administrator, teacher leadership teams, and central office June 67.  The purpose of the conference was to prepare campuses for next school year by providing additional professional learning in our literacy initiative, continuous improvement, various strategies for improving vocabulary development, comprehension, and pertinent information about the teacher evaluation process.

In addition, Dr. Sue Szachowicz, a nationally recognized principal of Brockton High School in Brockington, Massachusetts, was a keynote speaker and presenter. She is recognized for her work in transforming Brockton High School into a nationally recognized high-performing high school. She worked with our campus principals and teacher teams on how to use literacy to improve student performance.

There were approximately 450 administrators, teachers, and central office staff in attendance. This conference was a great event for providing time to our campuses to learn, plan, and network so that in the rush of getting school started, plans are done in advance.

View pictures from the Conference [opens in a new window]

Attention TEACHERS

Don't Forget

Teachers must transition web files off Schoolwires websites Files/Folders by July 31. This transition is very important to ensure that all staff comply with ADA online content guidelines. Once finished moving all your content to alternative location (U: drive or Google Drive), you will need to notify Michelle DoPorto, District Webmaster, by completing the following Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/jjtFmK6p2DQiQ8yF2.

Reminder: Your campus website is to house ONLY your overview page. The overview page must include a recent professional appearing photo, name, title, BISD email, phone, conference time, class schedule and tutorial times for upcoming year. This is referred to as the simple “business card model” overview page. Other resources like PDFs, videos, links, etc. are to be stored on a secure platform such as Canvas, Google Classroom, Google Docs, REMIND or similar app and/or a weekly email newsletter. This will alleviate the District’s liability of non-ADA compliant content uploaded onto the websites viewable by the public.

A document with steps on how to create your Overview page can be located at the following: https://www.birdvilleschools.net/createoverviewpagesteps

Board Approves Pay Raise for 2018–19

Thumbs UpIn support of all BISD staff, BISD’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted on Thursday, June 7 to award an average of 2.25 percent pay raise to all staff. (This raise represents more than $2.83 million.) For teachers working 187 days, this is an annual increase of $1,350. The starting salary for a first-year teacher with no experience is $53,000.

In addition to the raise, the Board reviewed data from the Texas Association of School Boards that identified three employee groups in BISD’s pay structure that need additional salary adjustments to move them closer to the DFW market levels. These groups are teachers with 11 to 23 years of experience, assistant principals, and paraprofessionals. (The adjustments for these three groups equal more than $509,000 and bring these groups closer to market levels.)

Staff will be notified once individual salaries are posted in MUNIS Employee Self Service.

Trustees Approve Administrative Appointment

Katie Moran

At their regular meeting, Birdville ISD’s Board of Trustees approved the administrative appointments of Katie Moran as principal of Grace E. Hardeman Elementary School. Moran is replacing Lindi Talbott, who is also retiring at the end of the school year.

She has been an assistant principal at Mullendore Elementary School since 2015. Prior to being full-time at Mullendore, she was an assistant principal between Cheney and Mullendore elementary schools from 2013–15; a Title I reading teacher at Birdville Elementary from 2012–13; and a teacher at Birdville Elementary from 2002–12.

Moran earned her bachelor’s degree from Texas Christian University and master’s degree from Dallas Baptist University.