Summer 2016 Website Trainings

The BISD Communications Department is hosting a variety of training sessions this summer.
Interested in a PERSONALIZED Website Tech Support Session?
  • Email Tonia Pickett at or call
    817-547-5781 to pre-schedule your one-hour session for either June 8 or August 3 to work individually with a web trainer to get your website ready for 2016-17.

    Note: You are NOT confirmed until you receive an email from Tonia Pickett confirming your session.

2016 Teacher of the Year Gala

rotatingimageOn May 5, BISD celebrated teaching excellence at the 16th annual Golden Gala, honoring all campus teachers of the year. Congratulations to the 2016 District teachers of the year. They are Lynn Kiser, Walker Creek Elementary teacher; Robin Massey-Davis, North Ridge Middle school teacher; and Joe LaFarge, Shannon High School teacher.
> View Pictures from the 2016 Gala

Digital Learning for the Week of May 16

Teacher Technology Tool of the Week: Flippity!
Flippity is a site that takes a Google Sheet and creates different games and other functions. Teachers can use rosters and lists for a variety of products in Flippity.

Classcraft – Make learning an adventure
Classcraft helps teachers manage, motivate and engage their students by transforming their classroom into a role-playing game.

Student Technology Tool of the Week: WeVideo!

WeVideo is a Chrome extension that makes video editing easy and editable anywhere.